YESSSSS!!!! That's the one! Thank you so much.
Too Opinionated
JoinedPosts by Too Opinionated
Need a link to video posted here...
by Too Opinionated in4 or 5 years ago there was a video posted on this site from a witness being disfellowshipped at his door.
last i knew he moved away and hasn't been back to this site.
i'd like to post the link to it, because it was taken in the same town that this article is running.
Need a link to video posted here...
by Too Opinionated in4 or 5 years ago there was a video posted on this site from a witness being disfellowshipped at his door.
last i knew he moved away and hasn't been back to this site.
i'd like to post the link to it, because it was taken in the same town that this article is running.
Too Opinionated
4 or 5 years ago there was a video posted on this site from a witness being disfellowshipped at his door. Last I knew he moved away and hasn't been back to this site. I'd like to post the link to it, because it was taken in the same town that this article is running. If I remember correctly, the teacher in the article is also one of the elders at the door in the video.
Does anyone remember this? Thanks.
Please help answer comments from newspaper
by Too Opinionated inhere is a front page article in today's newspaper.
i know they ask you to register, but it only takes a minute.
Too Opinionated
Well, it looks like the Witnesses are pushing the abuse button and having very respectful, informative posts removed. And Gayle, thanks, I just saw your post!
Please help answer comments from newspaper
by Too Opinionated inhere is a front page article in today's newspaper.
i know they ask you to register, but it only takes a minute.
Too Opinionated
Here is a front page article in today's newspaper.
I know they ask you to register, but it only takes a minute. I really need your help. See, for the last 6-7 years I and a few other apostates in a neighboring town have made ourselves known, and were very vocal. But...many have moved away, or moved on. We have moved on, but I will never let Witness lies go unchallenged.
Our local congregation has been making sure to get an article in the paper every few months, which is a new tactic. Today, I will be leaving in a while for my daughters Christmas dance recital and will not be around to comment, plus we need a lot of time to get ready. There is already a Witness commenting that they are not a sect and didn't split off from another religion. Please, please, add your comments and knowledge.
Top 10 signs you are a Fundamentalist Christian. Not my top 10 though.
by worldtraveller intop ten signs you're a fundamentalist christian .
10 - you vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of yours.
9 - you feel insulted and "dehumanized" when scientists say that people evolved from other life forms, but you have no problem with the biblical claim that we were created from dirt.
Too Opinionated
Love it! Just curious-what would your list include??
by AGuest inthis is totally out of my usual realm of posting but i really would like some input, please (may you all have peace!).
i have supervised many employees over the years and have dealt with all kinds of issues, except this one... although i know it's not uncommon.
i have a staff member who has the worst halitosis.
Too Opinionated
Yup, sinuses will definitely do it. Also gum disease. That can be so bad that it's almost putrid. Mints won't help, I'm afraid.
You are really doing him a kindness.
European travel
by beksbks inany north americans traveled in italy or greece lately??
any suggestions on getting around?
train vs rental car etc.
Too Opinionated
We spent 2 weeks travelling in Greece. It culminated in a quick cruise through many of their beautiful islands, and then up the Turkish coast. We stayed in Turkey for 2 days, and it just wasn't enough time. We went to see the ancient city of Ephesus, Topkopi Palace, The Grand Bazaar, just to name a few things. Crammed in as many famous mosques as we could. Loved seeing the minarets. Many Grecian trips will include Turkey. The rest of the time we travelled by bus. Honestly, with the way they drive I was glad to not have the stress. I don't know how we came out alive!
One thing-in Instanbul we were issued green cards before we could get off the ship, and they were given by armed Turkish guards. They took our passport, and returned them when we came back. I don't know if they still do this, but this was pre-9/11. It was a disturbing feeling to have to trust them, but we had no choice. It all worked out, though.
Legend of the Guardians, a movie about friggin owls. Did any of you see this film?
by miseryloveselders ini'm reading somewhat positive reviews for this film.
there's a cynical side of me that i just couldn't supress after watching the trailer.
a movie about owls?
Too Opinionated
This movie is based on a series of 14 or 15 books, and is quite popular. I'm surprised no one here has read them.
Please add your comments to this article!
by Too Opinionated inthis is my old congregation, and every year they put this in the paper, and every year i see red.
they still have the ability to upset me greatly.. the general newspaper audience never even realizes that they are considered part of satan's world, too!.
Too Opinionated
This is my old congregation, and every year they put this in the paper, and every year I see red. They still have the ability to upset me greatly.
The general newspaper audience never even realizes that THEY are considered part of Satan's world, too!
Thanks for any help.
Well I threw all the bound volumes, and literature into the dumpster today
by gubberningbody ini did keep the boxes they were in, though.
i have a use for them.. i also tossed all my outlines, kms, letters, etc..
Too Opinionated
We did that too, a few years ago. We knew we should have recycled them, but we didn't want anyone to find them and get sucked into the cult that way. Hey, I got in because of literature that was left in a laundromat, so I know it can happen. We just put them in big, black garbage bags and put it out with the trash. There were so many bags! I know we could have gotten money for the very old items we had, but we needed to cleanse ourselves once and for all.
We couldn't believe how freeing that whole process was!